• Beverley Braves Youth A.R.L.F.C. is a section within Beverley A.R.L.F.C.  The colours of the club are blue and gold.
  • The objects of the club are to promote and further the sport of Rugby League Football for the furtherance, participation and understanding of any person or group of persons so interested in the sport and for the social intercourse of members.  The objects of the club can include the furtherance and participation in other sports or activities for the benefit of the club if so desired and adopted in accordance with these rules and constitution.
  • The Club will promote the values of the sport, its discipline and team spirit, thus promoting a healthier lifestyle for all participants.
  • The Club will operate an open door policy and membership shall be open to anyone interested in the sport upon application regardless of gender, ethnic origin, cultural background, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation or disability.
  • The membership of the Club shall comprise of the following:-
  • All registered players under the age of 18 years.
    • The committee for the time being.
    • The appointed coaching staff and physiotherapists.
    • All appointed assistants for the time being.
    • All touch line marshals and team managers for the time being.
  • The interests of all players under the age of 18 shall be represented by their respected coaches, parents and/or appointed committee members.
  • The subscription payable to the Club by its members will be as set and recommended by the committee.  The Club will keep such subscriptions at a level that will not pose a significant obstacle to any person wanting to participate. All members are to keep their subscriptions up to date.  All funds and other properties of the Club shall be used for the furtherance of the Club.
  • The Annual General Meeting of the club shall be held each year to receive the Committee’s report and the Club’s accounts, to elect Honorary Officers and members of the committee and to transact any other business.  The Annual General Meeting shall have the power to create other Honorary Officers as it thinks fit.  The Committee shall decide the date and venue of the Annual General Meeting and shall give 14 days notice of such meeting to all members.
  • Special General Meetings of the club shall be held at the request of eleven or more members giving notice in writing to the Club Secretary and such meeting to take place at, the earliest possible date but in any event not later than 28 days of the notice being received.
  • The Committee shall be responsible for carrying out the affairs of the club and for all matters affecting the Club whether internal or external and may take decisions on the Club’s behalf.
  • The Committee shall have the power to make appeals, solicit donations and canvas monies for the carrying out the objects of the club.  The Committee may also delegate such power to a sub-committee or other approved body.
  • The Honorary Officers of the club consist of:
  • The Chairperson.
    • The Secretary.
    • The Treasurer.
    • The Registration Officer.
    • The Child Welfare Officer.
  • The Honorary Officers together with other selected members shall make up the Committee with all coaches encouraged to attend.
  • Any member of the committee, including elected officers, may retire at any time by giving one month’s prior notice in writing to the secretary but all shall relinquish their position each year for re-election at the Annual General Meeting without further nomination.
  • Nominations for election to the Committee shall be received by the club Secretary no later than 7 days before the Annual General Meeting.  Such nominations to be submitted in writing and have their nomination seconded at the AGM.
  • Once elected the Committee shall choose from within its elected members suitable to act as the Honorary Officers.  The position of President shall be selected by the Committee and the Committee shall choose such person who would act in the best interests of the Club.  The President need not be an elected member of the Committee.  Any casual vacancy on the Committee or office arising between Annual General Meetings may be filled by the Committee of its own recommendations.
  • Three of the Honorary Officers and two further members of the coaching staff shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the club.  The quorum for the meetings of the Committee shall have the power to alter the Rules and Constitution but no such alteration shall take effect until the same has been approved at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose of agreeing the changes.
  • The Committee shall be the sole arbiters of the Rules and Constitution and shall also have the power to make by-laws for regulating the affairs of the Club providing the same are not inconsistent with these Rules.  Such byelaws be notified to members and shall become immediately binding on all members.
  • At Committee meetings, Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings voting is on a simple majority basis by a show of hands unless any circumstances necessitate a vote by ballot paper.  At such meetings the Chairperson (or person elected as Chairperson for the meeting) shall have a casting or additional vote in the event of any equality of votes.
  • The Committee shall have the power:
  • To expel any member who shall offend against the Rules and Constitution of the Club or whose conduct in the opinion of the Committee shall render him or her unfit for membership.  Before any such member is expelled the complaint must be put in writing explaining the process that if further complaints are received then they would be expelled from the Club.

No member shall be expelled without first having the opportunity to reply to the complaint against them and their case being heard at the next Committee meeting; a vote to take place to decide on a course of action.

  • The provision of this rule does not prejudice the right of the Committee of their own volition by majority vote to remove any person appointed by them to any position within the Club.  Such person if removed from any position would remain a member of the Club unless expelled in accordance with the rules.
  • The committee reserve the right to financially hold to account any particular age group or individual whose actions repeatedly or in case of serious misconduct incur the club with fines or expense.
  • Any person expelled from membership of the Club or ceasing to be a member shall forfeit all right and claim upon the Club, its property and funds.
  • The Committee shall out of monies received by the Club pay all proper expenses in respect of administration and management of the Club and shall use the reside (if any) of such monies as it thinks fit for or towards the objects of the Club.  Any cheques that need to be issued as payment from the clubs primary account shall always require two Honorary Officers’ signatures approved by the bank. Any subsidiary club accounts may be allowed to have only one signatory, so long as the account is not the clubs primary account and best efforts are made to keep the funds kept in it, to a minimum, monitored regularly by the treasurer and agreed by the committee. Provided the Committee act in good faith in such matters they shall not incur any personal liability howsoever or whatsoever either jointly or severally for any debts or liabilities of the Club.
  • All monies at any time belonging to the Club and not required for immediate application towards its objects shall be invested by the Committee upon such investments or securities as they may think fit. 
  • In the event of the club being disbanded any equipment / monies held by them shall become the property of the governing body, the RFL.
  • Interpretation:  In any case of doubt as to the meaning or interpretation of the rules and standing orders of the Committee, the decision of the Honorary Officers shall be final and binding.